I am going to be reading this book by Laurie Notaro which came out today. This will be Book 4 of hers I've read. I think part of the reason I dig her is there's a section of her bio reads as below -and the comments re: the mystery that is orthodontia and comparision to Melissa Gilbert both have been said of me. It's almost scarey how close to home this hits. With exception to the fact that I had braces twice - a combined total of 7 years (that 2nd round in my early twenties. AWESOME!) it's comforting to learn you were not alone...
"I looked a lot like Melissa Gilbert from Little House on the Prairie. No, not the pretty blonde sister who God eventually struck blind, but the buck-toothed gawky sister who was always tending to some farm animal or crop crisis thing. I lied heavily on my head gear chart, my orthodontist knew it, my mother knew it, our neighbors knew it. "How can a girl wear braces for four years and and still have an overbite so big it looks like an awning for her chin?" everyone said."