I have a sort of history of losing things. Misplacing things. Losing misplaced things. Or forgetting where my really super secret, safe spot is. This can cause serious amounts of stress. Like, when it's your car keys. Or your license. Work ID. Or your...I dunno....inhaler.
Eventually, after many prayers into St. Anthony (patron saint of lost stuff. God (heh) that's a lot of responsibility) I eventually find the stuff I'm looking for. Most recently it was my ATM card that was among the missing. I had last seen it on a Thursday when I had purchased gas but then realized by Saturday that is was M.I.A. Now I was extra concerned because nowadays these cards double as credit cards and the thought of someone having access to my cash made my stomach lurch. I had put out an all points bulletin on the home-front (Mike) and to a co-worker who I thought would be in the office over the weekend to see if he would check my desk. Sunday still no sign of it. Go through the purse...again. Check car including ashtray, under the seat and arm console thing. Check my gym bag. Check my wallet where I usually shove it in with the receipts. Still, nada. This thing is my lifeline and I was really, really worried. Plus ordering a new one is such a pain. Well, it's just one more thing for my to-do list which is already way too long.
Monday morning, I go to see how much cash I have in my wallet and wouldn't you know, THERE IT IS. In. My. WALLET. In with the cash hiding between a few bills. Yeah, an ATM card? In a wallet? You don't say??
Yeah, I don't know.