Well, I have an hour and fifteen minutes until I meet the girls for a few cocktails and thought I'd post. Hmmm, what to say...
Ooh, here's one thing - I got busted pretty hard in a lie this morning. Mike already knew I was late in sending the rent checks because I lost his check while he was away on business last week. I found his check (as well as a few of his other bills I was supposed to mail...eh. heh...heh. oops.) on the 11Th. Last night he asked me, "so, you send in the rent checks?" and I'm all, "uh ...huh" (think that was my exact response knowing an "uh ....huh" is more open to interpretation than a "yes"). The truth was, I TRIED to HAND DELIVER it yesterday (the 12Th) right after work but the office was closed. I felt weird sliding 2 checks under the door so I decided I'd mail them the next day. So, yeah, I lied because I didn't want him to get mad at me for being irresponsible when I all I wanted to do was hand deliver them thereby avoiding the additional time because of the mail. If you can, you know, follow my logic here.
This morning, when he drove me to work I asked him to pull over to this no name building on the way. Of course, this prompted the dreaded "why?" question to which I had to answer, "um, ...justgottaruninanddropofftherentchecksrealquick-bye!"
Immediately, this caused Mike to promulgate me as, "LIAR!" and then many variations of the word "liar" and "you lie" and "so busted".
Um, yeah - so what's your point?