My poor brother. Bri and his wife have been trying to get get to Boston from Maryland since 5-ish tonight and between delays and cancelled connecting flights, he now taking the LAST flight out of Philly at 10:30 which puts him in town around 11:45, meaning he and the missus will be walking in the door after midnight. I think my subconcious had a premonition that this would be the case. I happened to have downloaded Patsy Cline's "Walkin' After Midnight" ...TODAY. And that is the ONLY song I downloaded. Of hers. And the only song downloaded all day. Weird.
Tomorrow he & I are going to be running a race at Fresh Pond in Cambridge. I haven't run a race in over a year,... I think. Yeah, this should be good. Oh, and also? My brother is a former cross country stud and a smoker (!) and then went into the Marines (Semper Fi!) only to do those Marine "fun runs" in full gear (boots!)at about a 6 minute pace. Asshole. Did I mention the smoking??? I, on the other hand, the kid born with bum lungs (though I seemed to have mostly outgrown the asthma) who takes care of herself (well, let's just forget about the ice cream sandwhich for breakfast entry, shall we?) TRIES and WANTS to do well, yet can't maintain a better than 9 min. pace for more than 1 or 2 miles. SO. NOT. FAIR. I guess tomorrow we'll see how this goes. It's one of those runs where you can decide on the fly whether to make it a 2.5 mile run or 5 mile (1 loop around the resevoir is 2.5 miles) so we'll see how much gas I have in the tank come the 2.5 mile mark. Thankfully, it's pretty chill - one of those deals where they run every Saturday, about 50 people max., no sign up, no t-shirts, just show up and run and they'll time yo asses. Top five get their names in the Boston Globe. We'll see if Brian still has it because he's told me it's been awhile since he's done any running. Though I have a hunch he'll still be pretty quick. Hopefully I can convince his wife to come & take some pictures as I'm sure me having a heart attack should be, you know, hilarious.
Hopefully he doesn't lap me. That would be really swell of him.
That sounds like an interesting race. I have been running for about a year and a half now and I am still slow- I clearly have no running talent! Ha- I get passed at the running trail all of the time, by these fresh faced men and women (while I am sweating like a pig and red-faced). Not fair!
Posted by: Jennifer | June 04, 2005 at 10:22 AM
I don't know if ther running gods were smiling or frowning upon me. Due to my brother & wife not getting their luggage when they landed (see of above problem), we had to go back to Logan the next morning to get it and didn't have time for the race.
I TOTALLY would have won I bet. yeah.
Posted by: Once More | June 06, 2005 at 05:05 PM