Tonight I got home at 8:30...p.m. As in, I clocked an almost 12 hour workday today. It kinda sucked. Tomorrow doesn't look much better with a client dinner meeting to boot. Wednesday I have my office Christmas party which I will probably be late for trying to keep up with work and deadlines and stuff. It'll feel like I'm in summer school while everyone else is at the beach.Thursday night I have my niece for an overnight and taking her to kids day for Friday (which will be the highlight of my week; I think I am just as excited as she is. To wit: she woke up this morning and her first words were, "Mom, today Thursday? Go to Jennie's house?") and like many of us procrastinators, still have Christmas shopping to do. Did I mention the buckets and buckets of work on my desk. Because for us insurance peeps, the rule is that December is the most stressful time of year what with a disproportionate amount of accounts renewing January 1. Seriously, you find yourself thinking, "why didn't I go into a less stressful occupation, like, I dunno, law enforcement?" The idea of getting shot at actually seems more appealing. Or at least a close second.
As I came home to find pizza and wings on the dinner table (yesss!) Mike said to me, "you're gonna be shopping on Saturday, aren't you?" to which I countered, "what's wrong with Sunday? There's gotta be a CVS open, right?" He added, "yeah, fuck it, 'y'all getting Altoids!'"
This is why I love him. He gets me.
(The Mobil stations sell Altoids, too, right?)
Oh! Oh! New car smell!
Posted by: roo | December 20, 2005 at 03:00 AM
I'll take the Ginger Altoids. Thanks. :)
Posted by: V | December 20, 2005 at 07:35 AM
do i sense gift cards in everyone's future??? keep it simple...
Posted by: Emily | December 20, 2005 at 08:02 AM
When in doubt, go practical - everyone uses shaving cream at some point. And razor refills are a highly underrated gift.
There is also always the "Love's Baby Soft" gift sets.
Posted by: Dawn | December 20, 2005 at 08:54 AM
Hey, the grocery stores around here do sell all sorts of gift cards for other places (Best Buy, Toys R Us, etc.)
Asprin makes a lovely gift. Maybe some Depends for the elders on your list? Tobacco products? Little containers of creamer from the coffee bar at the mini mart? The possibilities are staggering!
Posted by: Nancy | December 20, 2005 at 10:06 AM
I believe it was our second Christmas together that George purchased a waterpic for me, on Christmas Eve, under similar circumstances thus earning the title "Mr. Romance” that he still proudly carries today. It was declared a permanent moniker, when, for a special surprise, one day, he brought home a hand truck, for me...yup, a bright red hand truck. Even better, was his explanation “I didn't think an 8 mos. pregnant woman should have to bring the trash around without help." Step away ladies, he's all mine.
Posted by: Teri | December 20, 2005 at 10:28 AM
George sounds like my kinda man.
Posted by: roo | December 20, 2005 at 11:41 AM
Ugh, law firms are the same way. Nonstop working up to the new year. It sucks.
I'll let you in on my secret for this year-
I bought everyone I know magazine subscriptions! That way, I just make up a cool little certificate telling them what they are getting and I'm done! Hurray!
Posted by: Halloweenlover | December 20, 2005 at 11:45 AM
Teri, Couldn't we ALL use a handtruck tho? Who says romance is dead. Speakingof craptastic gifts, do you remeber the year my dad bought mom for her birthday, got her generic cocoa butter lotion and CVS nylons?? I don't know if these were "from the kids" or from him (I think him). I remebmer her fake smiling her way through it. How do you respond to that?? Normally, I'm a fan od pop but I would've kicked his ass.
Dawn, I haven't thought about Loves Baby Soft in AGES. I used to wear that in 5th-7th grade. Do you also remember Jean Nate (sp??)in the yellow bottle. My mom got that as a gift once - stuff smelled of cleaning solution. ACK.
Ooh, mag subscriptions- Duh, great idea. (actually have to renew Mike's...shit!) And easy.
Posted by: Jen | December 20, 2005 at 02:13 PM
careful when you knock jean nate...i think gram still uses it.....
Posted by: Emily | December 21, 2005 at 08:08 AM
I Gram STILL asks for Jean Nate. But her sens of smell is probably gone by now.
Posted by: V | December 21, 2005 at 09:12 AM
Hey - don't knock the Altoid idea...fresh breath is FAR TOO underrated a thing in this country.
Plus, I've been busy as hell and have actually considered them myself...=)
Posted by: Hill | December 22, 2005 at 12:50 PM