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February 23, 2006



Very... eclectic. Gotta love Hall & Oates for the sentimental factor.

I've got my iPod shuffle on today -- populated with a mix of stuff J added for me -- and it seems to be hitting the Coldplay and Rilo Kiley pretty hard. It almost doesn't seem like it's shuffling. I think it's time to build a new super playlist.


i love to shuffle songs on my ipod - it makes me happy. oh and i was on the bus the other night and saw mike outside your place with the towing people ... i was waving like a big dork, but he didn't see me. hope your car was going somewhere fun.


What? No Huey Lewis?


Oh man, this is embarrassing. I've only ever heard of the Pat Benetar song (LOVED the video back in the day) and the Hall and Oats song.

I am so not the person that Ipods were made for. I even keep the XM radio tuned in to
the comedy stations

Raider Mike

Pat Benatar. Very strong. My second crush. Right behind Stevie Nicks and just before Janet Jackson. Quite sad, really...


That's a good mix. I'm especially diggin' the Sting...I love Sting, especially during his brief television appearance on the Simpsons when he rescues Bart from the well. The Pat Benetar is also a very nice choice, as is Notorious B.I.G. He's got the thickest rap voice evah.


I only knew like 3 of those songs...so sad. I can't do the shuffle thing on my ipod because I share it with Tim. I just can't bear the "lots of swears" rap or the blues or the other junk he loads because someone at work burned him some angry music cd. It has to be play lists only for me...and that seems to be too much work. Someday I will fully appreciate the ipod, until then I still prefer the radio... Or...Maybe I need my own Ipod...hmmmm.


Well. You do know that Love IS a battlefield , right?

At least it wasn't Biggie's "I'm Fucking You tonight" - which rates as the most straightforward song ever.

I listened to Ben Folds Live, over and over. I envy your music versatility. My taste hardened into stone in 1991.


Yeah. What Terry said. Where's the HL? Jen HEARTS Huey Lewis. Sexaaaay.


that does it, I am never admitting to anything personal on this site EVER AGAIN.

6th grade, people. I was in SIXTH. GRADE.


Aaahhh, Hall and Oates.

Used to love 'She's Gone.'

Are they still alive?


Yaaay! I actually know 14 of those bands. Quite the mix there, lady.


That list reminds me that I wanted to request another "Jen's Special Mix CD". Libby and I groove to your tunes when we're out and about....


I have to say, even in that varied list, "Take 5" seems to stick out like a sore thumb-- or rather, a WGBH station identification aired mistakenly on VH1.


I LOVE "Everybody Got Their Something", because it plays briefly on a "Buffy" episode. How's the rest of the album?


I've only downloaded that one song, so no idea.

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