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February 26, 2006



Oh my god. I love me a bundled up baby.

I want a pair of those sweats that Libby is wearing.


I am cracking up about the 'feeding the pillow.' That brings back memories of early-morning nursings - sometimes I would be so out of it I couldn't remember the next morning if I had nursed or not.

Sort of like a hangover, except someone else had done the 'drinking.'


Em had made the crack that she wsa feeling more like a vending machine these days. I was all, "C3- Ooh, Snickers!"


My womb just skipped a beat.


Omygod, you make me laugh! "snaps to Papa's hairstylist"....also, Tim absolutely hates it when teachers meet me and later tell him how much he looks like me. Perhaps if I shared your theory on "conception activity level", he would be comforted.
I think you should start a book with these Jenniferisms...not all minds are gifted with these insights.


I love seeing pictures of babies all snugged up in their carseat carriers, their eyes the only part visible. SO CUTE.

Shannon (Sentimental)

What adorable pictures. I love those baby shots all bundled up. I have one of each with my girlies.


Papa's Got a Brand New 'Do! Styling hair AND singing? I love your grandpa. Oh, and cute kids...


I love the picture of Sarah winking over her juice bag. She looks like she's in on some crazy secret with her silly Aunt Jen.

You've got you some cute family members, including Papa.


My Em and Sarah must shop at the same stores.. Em has the same fleece pullover and shoes.
Love the family pics.


Very cute pictures... I too, am glad the jumpsuit did not read "juicy." I saw a four-year-old once who actually DID have the word "Juicy" on her backside, and I nearly went blind.


Awwwww! Those pictures are wonderful: I especially loved the one with your grandpa and the babies.

Great, now my ovaries are running around all demanding and stuff.


Tell your sisters you have a reader that once (or twice) picked up a stuffed animal and tried to rock it to sleep while the baby still cried in the crib. It wasn't me, I'm just saying...
Sleep deprivation is an ugly thing to new mommies...


okay! okay! it was me! Geez!
And can I say that Sarh loks like she's plotting some evil stuff in the "time-out" picture...


Ok, that's it! Enough with the cuteness!

Ok, not really. I have an unlimited capacity for cuteness.

Oh and your Sarah reminds me of my Sarah. Child looks like she's always got something up her sleeve.


Em just called to say she woke up and thought the dog's head was the baby. this, as you might imagine, caused a quite a fright. sleep deprivation is a cruel mistress.

Also, Lib's slept thru the night and this was actually worse for her b/c em kept wondering if she was still breathing.

Sarah is always working an angle/got something up her sleeve.

will probably post the one of Lib's winking. sure,your kids maybe be fluent in 3 languages and a classically trained pianist or whatever, but b/n the winking skill at 2 mos. and Sarah's Courtesy Flush ability, I am quite the proud aunt over here.


These are great. I love the one of your Grandfather singing to Owen!

Nixie Knox

It sounds like you had a lot of fun! By the way, my new haircut looks strikingly similar to Papa's.


I also love that Papa and Owen are stylin the same chins.


Lib is just stinking ADORABLE. Oh my goodness.

All of those pictures made me laugh out loud, they are so cute.

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