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March 04, 2006



According to Google, she is either a player in a Multi-Player Online Game, or she bowls in a league in Alberta, Canada. Still doesn't explain all the searches. And that's how I spend my Sunday morning, thank you very much.


I have no idea who she is, but I finally have time to read my favorites this week and since you're among them, I didn't want to read and leave without commenting. So. HI!


I am Christine and I know who my cousin is, her name is Carolyn.


Christina Cousins is a Canadian Skater who is on the skating with the stars in the UK


Hi there! I'm Christina Cousins...well the one that bowls in Alberta, Canada :D. I guess I found myself on here... how cool!


Christina Cousins is what people are putting into google. Her real name is Kristina Lenko (married name is Cousins) she is a very cute ice skating dancer and appears on TV in the UK you can read about her here.


I am a moderator on KRISTINA lenko's official forums, Kristina is a Canadian figure skater/ice dancer, and is currently on the hit UK show, Dancing On Ice, partnered with former tennis player, Greg Rusedski

come visit www.kristinalenko.com

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