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June 13, 2006


Liberal Banana

Ohmygosh, the story about "grading" your paper was AWESOME! Good thing you didn't lean over and write "YOU SUCK" on Science Guy's paper, too! Did you hand it in? Did your boss say anything about it?

My boss is a cool guy, too, and there are only 3 of us (me, another guy, and Boss Guy). We're so casual that when my boss walked up behind me as I was working on my blog post and said, "Ooh, I could've guessed!" I responded, "Dude, I've been f*cking working all day." Yeah. Maybe I'm a little TOO casual.

And I totally hear you on the elevator rides. The whole building is only 8 floors and whenever someone takes the elevator one or two floors, I just want to say, "You lazy bastard. THIS is why you're so damn fat. Jerk." One of these days...

(Longest. Comment. Ever.)


My boss saw me make the marks, and yeah, he collected them. That's how it went to H.O.

He was laughing - he knows I'm kind of a competitive spazz.


The other day, I had a dreaded conference call. One manager (at another store) remarked on runaway towel usage (I'm a dog groomer, for those who don't know, which is ..everybody). My manager and I muted the phone and proceeded to act out a horror movie entitled 'The Runaway Towels'.

So far, no one else has found this as funny as we did, but that conference call SPED by, let me tell ya.

Hooray for being goofy at work and having a boss that lets you.


The grading papers story is too awesome. I'm always glad that I don't have to share my meeting notes with coworkers, since they're always filled with doodles.

People who ride up one or two flights in an elevator (without apparent reason, of course) always burn me. In college I lived on the 9th and 13th floors of an apartment building, and anyone who'd take the elevator up to 2 or 3 without a shitload of baggage or stuff was subject to major ridicule.


p.s. -- I wanna be your coworker.


That is too funny! I hope whomever got your test at the Home Office thought it was funny too.

I could have never left my brother a key to my apartment. He would have had every loser in the neighborhood over drinking beer and dropping cigarette ashes on the carpet within minutes.


when i worked at the college alumni house (annoying students who would call asking for money....except i would forget to ask for the $$ anyhew...) there was always a sign by the elevators saying "Walk up one, down two for your health" with a picture of stairs and an arrow...So now all growed up n stuff and me being on 17 we still hit the local somewhat and i have been known at 5:15 on a Friday to say that to people who REFUSE to walk even down ONE floor. I've also been known to ask if their work ID was not working causing them to have to take the elevator(you have to use your ID to get onto all the floors. Oh yeah that goes over REAL well especially when you're trying to maintain your employment....
*sidenote on elevator etiquette....I HATE people who don't let people GET OFF the elevator and push right in. Like c'mon buddy give me a second. I loved that one the most when I was nine months pregnant and getting sick of small spaces.


Well, did you get detention or what?

Also, apologies for sounding dense here (and can you tell I work at home, where there are no elevators) but what is 'the local?'



When you get on an elevator and you stop at EVERY FREAKING FLOOR.


Bwahahahaha! The paper grading thing is so something I would have done! How much do I adore you for doing it instead! I hope the home office folks have a sense of humor.


At least you didn't write "SEE ME" at the top of the paper.


Dude. You're hilarious.


Hilarious! I loved the description, and could totally picture it. And here's the thing...I would have done the same thing as you, which is probably why the story of the quiz was so funny.


I second the request for information concerning "the local". I'm from Canada... a 2 hour commute is still considered local.

Does Science Guy look like Bill Nye? Pocket protector? Bow tie? Slight lisp? Is it wrong to think that is sexy?


marnie, I replied on the local to SPM...just means when you get the elevator that stops at every floor.


Erm..couldn't you just claim you'd written your name on the wrong side (upper right instead of upp left - gasp!) and ask for another copy of your test?

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