As BlogHer 2006 mania hits a fevered pitch, I had an "exclusive" (*cough* hi Roo!) interview with Nancy of Mom/Ma'am/Me.
Feeling that the conference itself would satisfy all the blawgy talk, I made up my own questions. Also because I'm nosey.
For those unfamiliar with her site (I hate the "B" word, and I vote we get a new word for it, btw), her approach runs from the funny to the sensitive to the deep and thought provoking to the tackling issues she's faced with daily. She is also known in certain circles as The Commenter Extraordinaire, and has the award to back it up (I am not searching for it right now). Another fun fact, she also has to most thoughtful co-workers one girl could ever hope for (Exhibit A below):
Anyway, 5 Questions (with bonus question) interview:
1. When and what was the first blog you ever read and how did you come to find it?
The first blog I ever read was My Name is Mommy( -- I found Amy by accident doing a Google search, and I loved reading about her life in CA with her husband, 2 girls, and horses. I remember the second blog I read was another momof 2 girls: CityMama
2. What 3 products found in the health & beauty aide aisle (or Sephora-like store) rock your world? If not rock, then are at least integral of getting you to look like you.
Hmmmm. Definitely my LUSH Imperialis facial moisturizer. Previously I would have said M.A.C. Studio Fix, but I took a tip from Amalah's Advice Smackdown and picked up some Smashbox primer and Sue Devitt foundation. I love that combination. Probably also my Nads (heh) facial wand, which I use to wax my eyebrows. I like the instant gratification of that versus the longer process of plucking.
3. Three things you could not live without. Do NOT include any of the following: My babies, my babies' daddy, my laptop, coffee, my iPod/mp3 player because, like, duh.
Definitely 1 and 2 would be a sketchbook/blank book and pen. I don't know how I could survive without at least a low-tech way to write and draw. Number 3 would be access to books -- either via the public library or my own collection. Reading to me is as necessary as eating and breathing.
4. You have a 2 week all expense trip to anywhere (planes, traines, boats). No Kids. Where do you go and why? (realistically - no China to Spain, to Australia etc. just because it's on the house and in make believe land you would be tired from all that).
Wow, there are so many places on my must-see list. But I think the top of the list, sans kids, would be Florence, Italy and the surrounding area. I took a class on Renaissance and Baroque architecture in college, and ever since then I've been fascinated by all of the amazing architecture in and around Florence. I would guess the excellent food, drink, and scenery that I'd be exposed to there would be none too shabby, either...
5. Thing you hate/least look forward to do as part of your daily routine? As part of your weekly routine?
I don't know why, but I hate taking a shower. (Not sure why, maybe because the shower is the symbolic beginning to the work day.) I do it every day, of course, but I am not a shower-lingerer. In the morning I'll procrastinate on getting in the shower until the last possible minute, then run around like a chicken with my head cut off to finish getting ready. On a weekly basis, I HATE sorting the kids' laundry. Something about putting those piles of baby socks and Dora panties together by color drives me nutso.
Bonus question: Where do you buy your underpants? What style of underpants do you favor? Why do you like these kind of underpants? How much do you usually spend on underpants? Do you like the word "underpants"? Do you think I have used the word "underpants" enough in this bonus section?
While *I* like the word underpants, and don't feel you could ever use that term too much, Mimi corrects me whenever I use that term and informs me that the proper term for girls is "panties." (Boys wear underpants, girls wear panties apparently). So in deference to my 4 1/2 year old grammar police daughter (she didn't fall far from the tree here) I shall use that term.
Being a bit of a lingerie junkie (ahem), I have all kinds of undergarments -- thongs, boyshorts, bikinis, etc. I find I am most comfortable with the cotton bikinis, though -- I just haven't gotten beyond the feeling-of-wedgie point when wearing thongs everyday. I have typically bought the Victoria's Secret cotton bikinis, but I've never been thrilled with having the VICTORIA'SSECRETVICTORIA'SSECRETVICTORIA'SSECRET running around the waistband. However, I just discovered the very nice cotton bikinis made by Gap Body, which I'm planning to buy soon. I will probably wait until I can find them on sale, but if I decide I must have them Right Now I'll buy them whether or not they are on sale.
I think these questions are pretty representative of what we're dealing with here, so if this interview has scared the (under)pants off ya, drop by Nance's site.
And tell her Jen sent ya.
Also, regardless if you are going to BlogHer or not, if you would like to participate in "5 Questions with Bonus Question" interview, please drop me a note.
That was great! Dude, someone spent a looong time putting that drawing together in Paint. GEEZUS.
Sign me up for 5 questions! Not that anyone should give a crap what I have to say but I loves me some questions!!! It's like a test that I know I can pass! Bring it on!
Posted by: Liberal Banana | July 24, 2006 at 02:38 PM
nancy does got the mad skilz.
Okay, LB, I will send you some.
Posted by: jen | July 24, 2006 at 02:40 PM
Thanks for the lovely writeup and the interview, my friend. I look forward to featuring yours.
LB, the Paint addiction, it is a sickness.
Posted by: Nancy | July 24, 2006 at 02:47 PM
Hey! Hey! I'll trade ya! Interview for interview! It'll be like we actually followed through on that interview-trading idea you had what, eight months ago?
Also: Hi!
Posted by: roo | July 24, 2006 at 02:58 PM
You are going to have a kickass time. Next year I will get my crap together in time to come.
Bring me back something!!
Posted by: marnie | July 24, 2006 at 05:10 PM
I don't linger in the shower either. It's such a hassle sometimes, getting wet and sudsing up. *sigh*
Posted by: mamatulip | July 24, 2006 at 07:12 PM
Jen, you didnt say its a Her thing, so sign me up, also i think you should interview scooter ;)
Posted by: Mike Graham | July 25, 2006 at 09:16 AM
Roo and Mike, yours are forthcoming....
Posted by: jen | July 25, 2006 at 10:00 AM
LOVE that picture of her cubicle. I'm sitting in mine right now and pretty much feeling the same way about as she does (hate).
I am so going to Blogher next year. The Blogher posts all over the blogosphere are making me green with envy!
Posted by: Vicky (Desperate to be a Housewife) | July 26, 2006 at 03:35 PM
WOW. That was a whole lot of spam.
Nancy: if you're not crazy about the VS Signature cotton logo panties, try the VS Pink cotton bikinis. They are the same-ish fit without the heinous logo.
(Can you tell I work for the home office???)
I'm down for the 5 Qs.
Posted by: madge | July 28, 2006 at 09:36 PM
Me, too. Put my name in the hat for 5 questions.
Posted by: wordgirl | July 30, 2006 at 10:44 PM
I'm so happy to have met you. And I'm sorry I didn't go through with the dance off. I'm all sad about it now, but I AM OLD AND HAD CRAMPS.
Posted by: Y | July 31, 2006 at 08:55 AM