For the third year in a row now, New Year's Eve for me was spent sipping champagne cocktails, trying meals I've never eaten before at a beautifully decorated table, and announcing resolutions and predictions for the upcoming year {the only real notable in this last category was Meg predicting Pope John Paul II dying in 2005, which not for naught, but uhhh...wasn't he on the way out anyway? I digress...} in the home of my dear friends, Jess & Jeremiah.
The first day of 2007 quite frankly hasn't been all that. I think I'm getting sick, and I only make mention of this because I think this is the Universe's way of flipping me off for even carelessly bouncing around in my mind that, "huh, I don't think I ever got sick in 2006." A back problem, a few sucky hangovers, some soccer injuries, but never sick-sick. So just to be a little punk and sneak in under the wire, the Universe 2006 tapped me on the shoulder all, "A word, madam" resulting me actually being the first to leave J&J's party because I couldn't hang. Pisses me off, that. So for those anticipating pictures of dancing and shenanigans and tomfoolery, I don't have any because I wouldn't know. I had to go home, nurse my sore widdle throat, possible fever and sleep for what would be approximately 18 billion hours. (Seriously, as of 6 p.m. EST I still haven't showered and I'm still in my pj's.) The silver lining, if one is to be had here, is that I am posting a lot and uploading pictures in a more timely fashion and my butt has been fashioned to the couch for most of the day.
As far as resolutions go, I make them. Like the deals I cut at Lent, I try not to shoot for the moon and keep it manageable and measurable, else it wind up an exercise in lip service in front of my friends.
Anyway, here's what I came up with for 2007:
Work on some of my manners... specifically timely Thank You notes (and not just for gifts, proper old school ones) and RSVPing for events that require mailed responses (I'm usually pretty good with the Evites, the others, um, it could be said I have failed parlessly. Not happy about that.).
Get back to writing letters. I used to do this some consistency, but then with the advent of e-mail it's pretty nonexistent. Understand, letters for me aren't these like Rachel's letter to Ross novellas where, "you had rambled on for 18 pages....FRONT. AND. BACK!" but a sincere page or 2 with a few thoughts of one's goings ons and you know, something considered better to get in the mail amidst the bill statements, jury duty summons and Jiffy Lube fliers. Okay, so maybe this resolution is a little self-serving in the hopes I can also get letters. Whatever. I still think it'sa good idea.
Just Do It. I need to MAKE that doctor appointment. (oh, wait, that's right, I need to FIND a new doctor). I need to GET THINE ASS TO THE GYM. I need to CALL that person back. I need to QUIT that bad habit. I need to GET OUT OF BED ALREADY and GO TO WORK. Good God, there is a list, and you bet I procrastinate all of it. Changing my mind set of stop bullshitting/setting myself back. Baby steps, I guess.
Take a photography class. Just because I think it would be fun to learn some new stuff and I feel like I have hit the wall with my current working knowledge.
Buy an SLR camera and retire the Nikon Coolpix 5700 before I throw it across the room smashing a window that I'll only have to replace. I am torn between Nikon and Canon. Nikon's lenses I'm partial to I guess...The Nikon D80 has caught my eye, the D50 is supposed to be pretty great for the buck, abut the Canon EOS Rebel from what I've seen on Flickr is also taking some great shots. Any opinions on this topic are more than welcome.
Take better care of my skin. Okay, age 33 was the year I have seen some noticeable differences, none of which make me want to jump for joy. While I get that change here is inevitable, I don't exactly want to roll over just because of that fact. So, more water I guess (duh, I know but I HAVE cut the soda by a bit and God bless the makers of FIGI Water), SPF moisturizer (doing now, level 30), facials every few months (to-do), and getting a dermatologist (also to-do).
Here are some of the last pictures I took from Year 2006.
(If you want to cut to the chase and skip a few stories, the complete set is here.)
My, look at the size of that head. Like an orange on a tewthpick. Yes, I'm including me. Being that I was camerawoman, there are none of me from the party. I took this actually to test out my new camera's various settings, little did I know that these snaps pre-party would be the ONLY ones of me. Man, I really liked that top, too. Too bad I couldn't get all of it.
Jess, I got a few pictures of the place setting for you for next year...
Our hostess, Jess, who I'd learn made a back up dish with me just in case me and my picky eating sensibilities didn't like the chicken marbella (a Mediterranean dish). As it turned out, I did like the Marbella and backup went untouched. Though I must admit, hearing that she went thru the trouble of a backup dish makes me my heart melt a little. (dude, save it for The OC/The Office night and I will eat all of it!)
Our kind, tall host, Big J.
Bram & Suz toasting to someone's resolution. They are cute, no?
Oh, how I fucking LOVE this one. Meg (with head buried) had made the resolution to get up earlier (and do this and do that and walk the dog...) as she admitted to us all that she GETS UP AT 9:00!! (OMG!!1!) and is in the office for 10:00!!! And she's the head cheese! While Meg's a woman after my own heart in not being a morning person and also being on her side of "that's a soft '9:00', right?", I am with Susan's face on this one. Did I mention she also lives 5 seconds from work?
Truly, girlfriend really has no shame. I will LOVE to see how this plan panned out come December 31, 2007.
Just a cool shot I thought. I think Jer and Peace Corps guy were the only ones drinking this 40+ year old lighter fluid.
Another shot I liked. My friends' tables are always elegant. I could take a few notes from these people. Maybe first step: get a dining room table. No wait, first step GET A DINING ROOM.
Susan horrified YET AGAIN as I believe Jer (attendees correct me if I am wrong here) just used the word "twat". Oh yes, that word was uttered at this fancy table. If memory serves, it was in reference to hoping the Brits and Co. not showing said business by doing the world a favor and buying some damn underwear already. (Who was it that said, "Seriously, how old are you? 'Twat'??")
No seriously, with the group, it isn't offically considered a party until something spills, breaks or both. And don't let Jess' look of intensity fool you, on the inside Mrs. Donna f'n Reed here is giddy to be showing off her Dyson's magical powers. Man, all she's missing here is a strand of pearls and a martini in her free hand for her husband who's surely to be arriving home from work any minute now!
"Tick Tock, Stubborn Clock"... Yep, that's our parting gift right there. Besides being a generous, thoughtful bonus for the night, I love the fact that there's actually a band out there called Say Hi to Your Mom. The song's not bad either.
Well, that about wraps the night up.
Here's to hoping 2007 kicks a little ass for y'all.