Friday's Whiteboard artistry:
The latest development has been a recent BUST by manager,seeing these photos, um, somehow on my computer.
"Excuse me, why are there pictures of my whiteboard on your computer?"
Oh snap. Think, think.
Standing up, throwing my entire back and arms to the monitor, "Uh, I don't know what you're talking about. Nothing going on here but work far as I can tell."
"People aren't calling me names on that thing*, are they?"
"Oh no, no! You come out smelling like a rose. People think you're cool, that they wish their bosses had such a great sense of humor. Also, where do we stand on you clipping your toenails? You vote for Sanjaya? People are asking."
"I am not voting for that fool."
So that's where we are at. He remains mum on the toenails. Suspicious.
*He has seen my Flickr account (hell, is is ON my Flickr account) and has seen the hideous bridemaid dress as well.
Does your boss know about this blog? If so, you are a brave woman.
Posted by: jess | April 15, 2007 at 10:13 AM
no, just flickr - and he knows about my passion for picture taking, lord knows I've had enough equipment shipped to the office.
Posted by: jen | April 15, 2007 at 11:57 AM
Seriously your boss is awesome. Interesting about the toenails...
Posted by: Ceece | April 16, 2007 at 10:39 AM
your boss rocks. Except for that whole "big brother peeking over your shoulder while you're TRYING to work but somehow your blog stuff came up" thing.
Posted by: hollowsquirrel | April 19, 2007 at 09:52 PM