My manager has a new white board in his office. This is great for me because I have always enjoyed a canvass to write on that also erases.
My manager is a list driven guy, and so, everyday for the past week I have taken it upon myself to add something to his lists, hoping my words blend in and that he'll won't notice it for awhile and then be talking on the phone and see it, laugh, hahaha-that-Jen's-a-real-pill. Our handwriting can look a little similar, so it was possible.
Unfortunately, he always sees it and by 9:-ish it's been erased. To his credit, he was kind enough to keep the "Jen rulz" in small chicken scratch in the far corner for almost 2 whole days.
So far I have added to his lists:
Eat more fiber.
Try being pleasant for a change.
Pick up milk.
Now, before he gets smart and starts hiding the dry erase markers on me, here's where you come in if you're game.
I plan on doing this for a very long time. Maybe I'll mix it up and some days it'll be daily, and then I'll take a break just to throw him off. If you have ANY suggestions, I'm taking submissions. Of course, it has to be clean not too wordy. If I use it, I'll take a picture of it and post it.
Milton and I thank you in advance.
Updated to add: Oh, the Vote for Sanjaya is brilliant! Gives me almost a full week to sit on it, leading him to believe I have given up and thus, vulnerable to my (and your) handiwork. Awesome. I cannot wait until Tuesday.
Buy Preparation-H.
Call doctor re: butt plug removal.
Call parole officer.
Submit paperwork for Jen's long overdue promotion and raise.
Vote for Sanjaya.
Curris Jen all over, Kiss her on her nipable.
Sorry. I had to go there. And there. Don't get fired!
Posted by: HollowSquirrel | April 05, 2007 at 10:41 AM
oh she took my "vote for sanjaya"!
*Cancel lipo surgery
*Renew playboy subscription
*Drop off dvds at blockbuster
*TIVO AI or America's Next Top Model (your choice there ;-)
Posted by: Ceece | April 05, 2007 at 11:45 AM
Enlighten all sentient beings.
Posted by: tewhill | April 05, 2007 at 03:11 PM
Remember the Deep thoughts or whatever it was called with jack handy from SNL? You could totally pull a bunch those one liners on reaffirming his self worth
or you could be realistic and if you actually KNEW things about his family (have to be delicate here) you could write
*call sister
*send so and so flowers
*ease Jen's pain from being overworked and underpaid
*Order Dancing with the Stars workout video (EXPRESS MAIL)
just a few to get you goin'
I might start a few myself, my boss LOVES the white board.
Posted by: Emily | April 05, 2007 at 03:25 PM
being someone with a 10 ft whiteboard in my office i think this is quite funny. i think you are missing one whole angle here. IT is ofen not the person whose whiteboard you are writing on who reads it the most. it is almost an office sport to poke your head in and read the bosses whiteboard to see what sorporate info you can gleam. you have a power at your disposal for entire office dismay.
*finally start interviewing new admin
*replace entire hr staff
*migrate entire office to Mac computers
he will likely be the 14th person to get around to reading it...
Posted by: mike graham | April 06, 2007 at 08:33 AM
Rent Fried Green Tomatoes and Beaches
Posted by: jess | April 06, 2007 at 09:28 AM
Schedule vasectomy.
Refill desk flask
Plunge toilet
Call Tango teacher to reschedule class
Buy new rainbow sparkler dry erase markers
Posted by: V | April 06, 2007 at 12:15 PM
By the way Jen, you can buy your OWN marker yuh know! You shall not be stopped!
Posted by: V | April 06, 2007 at 12:17 PM
Lather. Rinse. Repeat.
Learn to tell a joke.
Clip toenails.
Rub vigorously.
Posted by: Tim | April 06, 2007 at 04:52 PM
cornmeal, gunpowder, hamhocks, guitar strings.
Posted by: Tim | April 06, 2007 at 04:53 PM
Ooh, these are great so far. I like Mike's angle especially -- what might be cool is to add in all sorts of corny corporate-speak to his list:
Think outside the box
Leverage organizational synergy
Make it a win-win
Institute a sea change
Go for the low-hanging fruit
Read the memo
Anyone glancing at his whiteboard would be gag from the buzzword overload. :-)
Posted by: Nancy | April 06, 2007 at 07:52 PM
ah, these are so great...I am going to have fun with this for quite a long time. I am actually looking fwd. to going to work next week.
"Victory shall be MINE!"
Posted by: jen | April 06, 2007 at 09:03 PM
You could do some of those 'Love is...' things.
Love is...donuts in the break-room every morning
Love is...a three day weekend for no reason
Love is...50% raises for everyone
Like that.
Posted by: Contrary | April 07, 2007 at 01:32 PM
"See Dermatologist re butt rash"
"I Blame Canada"
"Honk if you love Elvis"
Posted by: marnie | April 11, 2007 at 02:16 AM