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April 29, 2008



Heh. Yah right, swinger. ;-)


What, you aren't into p*rno?!


Holy inappropriate!

jen from boston

As sent by my cousin-in-law Nancy, "girl p*rn" as defined by the urban dictionary is tabloid rags, celebrity weeklies and publications of its ils (I will lump in In Style), so going off this definition, yes, I have been known to partake in the girl p*rn, and I AM NOT ASHAMED.

(that felt good to come clean)


So...where is the link to the site?

manager mom

I loves me some good porn in the morning... but even if a guy is holding it, a vacuum cleaner is not exactly the height of erotica, call me crazy...

anastasia beaverhausen

I think I've seen that site. And yes...it gets me hot.

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