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October 04, 2010



Sometimes ya gotta self grope. Too bad you didn't store any in your POCKETBOOK. Your daughter thinks you're awesome and can't wait to see you after work. But she's just charming the pants off her grandparents. No biggie, mom.


She is definitely cute. I hope the transition back to work is going ok for both of you.


Thank goodness for CVS.

Congrats on getting back to work (I hope-- at least I hope it isn't too heart-wrenching) and congrats on having such a beautiful baby girl, who is preternaturally photogenic.


I'm just imagining right now how much fun the men on your train were having watching you. You just made the dreary mornings of a few men a whole lot brighter. That's considered a public service.

She is so, so beautiful. Sigh. I love beautiful baby pictures. Totally makes my morning. =)


So out of the blue I thought of you...so I checked in, and YEA, you're still typing away! CONGRATULATIONS on your BEAUTIFUL little girl, I am ecstatic for you and Mike. Would LOVE to see you guys, it's been toooooo long. Hi to Dad! Let's catch up SOON. Congrats again, MOM! :-)

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