It seems my Flux capacitor is not getting the 1.21 jigawatts it needs to run properly.
Back from Dallas and I am still having issues with Time. And now Dates. And God only knows what else.
After the better part of 10 hours in airports yesterday, I got back to Boston last night around 8 p.m. It took me about 30 minutes at the baggage terminal to realize that my luggage wasn't coming home with me. Not that big a deal. Figured it'd show up eventually and I live close enough to the airport that even if I had to drive there to get it later, not THAT huge an inconveience. Got the call during Grey's Anatomy that they had the bag and they would be delivering it to my house in the next few hours. They just didn't know when exactly- so the asked would I be still up at midnight (um, I guess so) but I wasn't really listening all that intently cuz, well, GREY'S ANATOMY was on and I wanted to get back to the TV as soon as possible. I could have asked some pertinent questions, say like, "does this have a chance of showing up much later than midnight?" But again. TV. Grey's. Anatomy. Figured they'd call when they got to my house so I rushed them off the phone.
At 1:15 a.m. they called me. I was in the middle of an important REM cycle. Bastards. Got my suitcase though, so that's cool.
Also important to note, I left a voicemail for my boss right after my flight got in to say that I would be in late today as I had a dentist appointment (8a.m.- ugh.) After 5 hours or so of sleep, got up early (for me) and drove the thrity minutes to get to my dentist's office.
Today I managed to show up 24 hrs early for the appointment.
What the hell is wrong with me?
Call boss's voicemail, say I'll be in on time - appt. is tomorrow. Get to work before him, tell him to ignore both my messages but - too late. He's heard them both. And the Missed Flight Story. Laughs at me.
On a more awesome note, Grey's Anatomy? I am really loving this show. I mean, loved it from Day One but uh, last night? When Alex kissed Izzie? Thought I was gonna die. Holy crap does that guy look to be an awesome kisser. HOTTTTT. He is my new TV crush (he was already headed there; now he's just sealed his fate).
It was so hot, I had to look him up. He lives with his WIFE (frowny face) and FIVE CHILDREN (5x the frowny face) in NY. Guess that kills any chance I had/have. And please, don't e-mail me that he's a Scientologist or something. My day's already been a little evil towards me (how WISH I could rant about work - cuz BOY, would I).
Happy Monday. Here's a picture of Justin Chambers aka Dr. Alex from Grey's Anatomy.
Edited to add: No, serious. It was hot. It was't that hard, mashing kissing that actors do to portray "passionate kiss". I really wanted to be that actress on the end of that kiss. If you have TiVoed it, I am sorry I ruining the surprise, but at least be happy you have this on TiVo so you can watch it over, and over, and over again.